Presidential Agenda

Currently the federal government exerts too much energy for too small results. Instead, we want to exert less energy for bigger results. Funding is not the issue—lack of innovative thinking from our leaders is. As a future-focused Millennial, my agenda (not limited by left or right ideology) aims with precision and considers the importance of revamping our institutions with flexibility and agility in preparation of the biggest issues of the 21st century: underpopulation and human movement. Tools and technology enable more citizens the freedom to live where they want, how they want, and with whoever they want. We must declutter, reorganize, and update to ensure Americans are in better position to realize their dreams.

Low expectations is not an excuse for not having a more effective government in the 21st century

No more band-aids as solutions for the future. We need experimentation, observing results, & scaling. Let's transform challenges into opportunities. Let's Inspire the Future

Interested in creating the future together? Fill out this brief survey

Design a new American city in the Southwest

Design a new city dedicated to wellness (or expand—with Federal jurisdiction— on a southwest city like El Paso with infrastructure in place). While the main purpose is to better organize immigration, we can experiment solving internal domestic issues and then scale nationally. It's also an opportunity to show off our American spirit, talent, design, & engineering

    • Immigration
      • Shut down the border
      • Don't send migrants to other cities immediately. Create temporary housing and teach English, especially to children
    • Affordable housing & American engineering
      • Innovate with materials and building layouts
      • Use quantum computers to run algorithms of elements to discover materials of the future and use them today
    • Commission artists from all over country to create bright & optimistic public art to welcome and inspire immigrants & residents
    • Education Redesign
      • Create a boarding school for low-income teenagers from every state and design a curriculum (reflective of 21st century needs) to implement nationally after observing results
      • Embrace Hybrid Capitalism and teach skills for being entrepreneurs and small business owners
    • Criminal Justice reform program
      • Inmates with two years left on sentence and have demonstrated outstanding behavior participate in education and workplace training for transition back into public life
    • Homelessness
      • Create a safe space for people who want to drop out of society with basic housing, food, and mental health resources (Currently there is no such space)
      • Innovative housing layouts
      • Cities enforce clear streets (no more tent communities or individuals lying in public) Our cities are centers of commerce, tourism, and idea generation
      • These are ideas generated from experience living homeless
    • Hospital/Healthcare facilities
      • Free basic health services for residents of city. How does free & simple healthcare operate on a small scale?
      • Centralized as the mental health city of the United States
    • Volunteer/Higher Education Institution for 18-22 year olds
      • Inject youthful energy to be more useful for society
      • Learn by serving and experiencing different areas of cities on daily basis
      • Basic living needs met
      • School of self-guided education curriculum (Similar to boarding school)
      • Embrace Hybrid Capitalism and teach skills for being entrepreneurs and small business owners
      • For every year served, student can select one year of not paying federal taxes, can use option at their discretion
    • Elderly/Nursing Home Care
      • Simple housing for low-income elderly to live with dignity for remainder of life
      • Students of volunteer program would play large caretaker role
    • Mental Health Services/Industry
      • Centralized location to better organize and elevate
      • Study, Learn, and Practice
      • Apply processes and observations nationally

Declutter & Reorganize Fed. Funding for Future

  • Government can be additive with innovation
  • We shouldn't need to increase taxes and we don't need to take from others to redistribute (Robin Hood was from the Middle Ages. This is the 21st century. This approach of wealth distribution is antiquated)
  • Funding is not the issue, lack of clarity and intention with our vision is the problem
  • Budget is more reflective of Grandma's house with hoarding of things accumulated through time
  • Approach with an innovative and creative attitude
  • With Millennial president, we can take a full look and decide what needs to go as younger generations lead the future
  • Too much of budget expenses exist because "that's how we've always done things"

User Experience with Federal Government

  • Declutter and redesign government websites and digital infrastructure for best user ability and experience
  • Clarity of government expenses
  • Transparency in representative funding sources
  • Accountability and user ability of unemployment program (empathy but strict enforcement of guidelines)

Package Programming & Lease Distribution Rights

  • America is great at creating a product and selling it
  • Create podcast with President and lease exclusive distribution with media company. Experiment by injecting money direct to various low-income residents in zip codes. Observe the results
  • Create concert and arts celebration performances in American cities to highlight the diversity of cultures within the country. Lease distribution rights. Experiment by injecting money directly into low income areas of the each city

Convenience Fee of 10% on Big Tech

  • Individually, an American's data is not worth anything but, collectively, Americans' data is worth an enormous amount. Americans should be compensated for their value they help Big Tech to profit hugely
  • The money goes into a fund (untouchable to Federal government for other purposes) that's equally distributed to all Americans tax-free

Incentivize Two Big Tech Companies to Relocate out of Silicon Valley

  • American cities can vastly improve with more targeted federal action
  • Create more room for growth in Silicon Valley as well as nourish and elevate lower tier cities
  • Encourage top talent to spread out a bit more to boost the overall

Childbirth and Childcare

  • Underpopulation is biggest threat to America's global dominance
  • Shift funding from other entities to reward native born citizens increasing childbirths
  • Ensure that cost is not the reason for choosing not to have children
  • Five months maternity leave, three months paternal leave
  • Healthier society begins with making this important part of an individuals' lives smooth as possible

Affordable Housing

  • Build up our bigger cities rather than building out suburbs, better energy for investment
  • Reduce red tape, be more innovative and creative with city legislation
  • Quantum computer research program to run algorithms using elements on the periodic table to discover new materials for use
  • Instead of materials 50 years from now, let's use them today
  • Lead to more affordable housing in American cities

H-1B Visas for cities

  • In addition to educational institutions and employers, cities enabled to award H-1B visas to skilled workers to live in their city for seven years

Summit of Artists & Scientists

  • The United States should host a summit of young artists and scientists to collaborate and use their imagination to solve problems of the 21st century

New Federal Holiday: December 24-January 1

  • Productivity is low during this time
  • Citizens use this time to recharge for upcoming year and support our service economy, which constitutes more and more a bigger portion of overall economy

Bold “Added Sugars” on nutrition labels

  •  Sugar is making Americans unhealthy and adds a burden to our healthcare system