Becoming a New Yorker and Exploring Culture with Joe Anhalt

Joe Anhalt stops by Rich’s new apartment to discuss New York, culture, and life. He talks about reaching the point in his life where he jumped headfirst into his dream of moving to New York.

(17:56) What New York has been like during COVID and how its energy remains strong.

(24:04) Joe and Rich exchange ideas of what culture is and what value it has to people and society.

(30:18) The idea of being a generalist interacting with the world and how it makes someone more empathetic and understanding.

(31:18) Rich and Joe talk about Rich’s bookshelf, minimalism, rabbit holes, and how they read books.

(47:17) Joe shares emerging trends within culture and the creative world, including the positivity captured in Canadian sitcom, Schitt’s Creek.

(56:07) Joe runs through the music he’s been listening to over the last few months and the three most influential books he’s read.

(1:10:44) Joe shares something he’s started to do during 2020 that he’ll continue moving forward. He ends by announcing what he’s most excited for in the upcoming year.

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