187. Rafael Añorga on CRISPR, Gene Editing, Bioethics, and the Future of Humanity | Biotechnology

Rafael Añorga joins the show to talk biotechnology in the 21st century. Originally from Peru, he’s a CRISPR researcher at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. What is CRISPR? That’s what we’ll discuss during our conversation. The 20th century focused on physics. This century is focused on biology. People want to live longer, healthier, and happier. CRISPR…

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Alex Pate on Urban Farming in Chicago | City Farm Chicago

Can a farm exist within a city? In the middle of Chicago? Urban farmer Alex Pate joins the podcast. We recorded at one of the three City Farm Chicago locations. He showed us around and shared his experience and knowledge with us about running an urban farm. We talk science, agriculture, community, sustainability, and much…

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