Book Rec: Digital Minimalism

If you’re not in Hollywood, less screen time is better.   For the last six months, I haven’t worn headphones during my commutes. I began looking around me in the train car, known as the “L” in Chicago. The amount of people staring at their phones or wearing headphones alarms me. I’ve decided it’s not…

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Book Rec: A Little History of the World

A Little History of the World invites you on a journey through time, revealing ideas and discoveries that help us understand our world today.   I visited New York recently. Within my four days there, I ventured to The Met three times; it’s the most impressive museum I’ve ever been in. Of course I wanted…

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Book Rec: American Nations

The regional history lesson in American Nations will help you better understand the perspectives of fellow U.S. citizens. Have you ever stopped and wondered why things are the way they are? In America, I mean. I totally have!   I grew up in rural southeast Wisconsin. We drink beer and eat cheese and sausage—the Holy…

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Book Rec: Shoe Dog

This isn’t a romantic tale about Nike. It’s about the grind and struggle. I’ve been well aware of Nike my whole life. However, its founder, Phil Knight, has been something of a mystery to me. I didn’t know much about him or even what he looked like. The only reason I knew Nike started in…

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Book Rec: Factfulness

Hans Rosling will change the way you look at the world…based on facts.   Raise your hand if you ever scroll through Twitter and feel the world is burning.   Everyone?  Don’t worry, my hand is raised too.   Guess what? I have some cheap therapy for you. Read Factfulness by Hans Rosling.   Hans…

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