Book Rec: Sacred Hoops

The Chicago Bulls dominated the ’90s not solely because Michael Jordan. Phil Jackson applied a philosophy and created a oneness that transcended basketball. You probably know who Phil Jackson is. He earned 11 championship rings as a coach, the most in NBA History. This post is about his book, Sacred Hoops: Spiritual Lessons from a…

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The Healthiest Conversation You’ll Ever Have

Instead of comparing yourself to others, have a conversation with your former selves. It’ll be a healthy measurement of where you’re at in your life. A few months ago, I joined a friend for a drink. I sit down in the chair next to him at the end of the bar. He’s a fashionable guy.…

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Revisiting a Near-Death Experience

What happened? Why me? You ask yourself these questions after a near-death experience. I jumped from a burning tractor. My mind won’t forget it. In a different version of cosmos, this post wouldn’t happen. I grew up on a farm in rural Wisconsin but have lived in Chicago for the last 10 years. During the…

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