Wiki Rabbit Hole: LaCroix to Bluetooth

Turn a borderline-addictive habit into an opportunity to learn more about the world. Like previous Wiki rabbit holes, I stared blankly at my screen waiting for inspiration. Just to the right of my computer, a Passionfruit LaCroix sat half-full. Aha! And so we begin!   A quick refresher on the concept:   I often used…

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Wiki Rabbit Hole: Reclaimed Lumber to The Little Mermaid

Turn a borderline-addictive habit into an opportunity to learn more about the world. It’s been a while since I performed my last Wiki Rabbit Hole exercise, but I noticed something: I referenced information I learned on multiple occasions. It worked for me—and it’s fun!   Here’s a refresher on the concept:   I often used…

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Wiki Rabbit Hole: Summer to Seoul

Turn a borderline-addictive habit into an opportunity to learn more about the world. What an adventure! I went around the world in 45 minutes! I strive to improve myself and expand my perspective, even if it’s little by little. I want to learn more about the world I live in. And recently, I developed a…

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