Chicago Music Scene and Experience with Bonelang’s Matt Bones

Matt Bones of the experimental pop group, Bonelang, joins the show and talks about his experience living and playing music in Chicago.

(3:00) Matt describes Albany Park and his joy for completing life admin tasks.

(11:00) Chicago music scene. The pride of being a Chicago musician and the weight it carries across the country, especially in LA. 

(17:35) His favorite restaurant and hidden gem in the city. The distinct sound of the L.

(31.20) What his work schedule and routine are like. How Bonelang goes about creating music, as well as music videos as an independent artist.

(39:07) The fulfilling experience of playing a show or venue bigger than the last. The crescendo of energy on the day of the show. Playing Thalia Hall and the Metro.

(42:00) Three influential books Matt has read.

(55:00) His curiosity of Chilean history. Deep dive into South American political culture.

(59:54) Understanding and overcoming living with fear. His excitement to play music for live audiences again.

You can follow Matt Bones @_bonelang and @mattbonesdiy

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