Rich Conversations: 032. Alice Perez

Children’s Book author, Alice Perez, talks about her experience living in Houston during the pandemic. While she reflects on her life, we talk about her sixth birthday, Disney, the Great Gatsby, horror films, and more.

How are you doing during the coronavirus situation?

I’m doing pretty good. I’m trying to follow the guidelines and stay home as much as possible. Trying to stay as calm as I can.

How do you normally spend your time?

I’m a teacher, so I go to work in the morning. I’m usually there after school. Come home and pick up dinner or cook. And then get ready for bed.

Share the message of your children’s book.

I wrote Vamos a Veracruz as a tribute to my grandmother who passed away. It really helped me during that time. I’ve always been a writer, but it was something that I needed. I also want to bring diverse stories into children’s literature. Diversity is something that’s important to me.

What’s your daily routine like during the COVID-19 pandemic? 

We’re doing everything remote. I teach preschool, so they’re quite young. Sending parent emails and lesson plans. I feel it’s not as mandatory as other grades, but we have worksheets so that they can have those at home.

What’s something new you’re doing or feeling that surprised you?

I picked up cooking. I never really had an interest for cooking, so I’m pretty surprised how well I’ve been able to cook. Chicken alfredo, quesadillas, breakfast tacos. When you’re bored and not much else to do, you can get better at something. I’ve become quite the chef.

What music have you been listening to since social distancing?

I’ve actually been listening to a lot of Eminem. I just love his energy. More of the older stuff I used to listen to.

What are you most excited to experience again after the pandemic?

I’m really huge on family, so definitely looking forward to spending time with them. Your typical family gatherings and game nights. I miss that for sure. Just going outside and being normal again.

What’s a personal mantra or philosophy that guides you?

“Live the life you imagine.”

Describe the best day of your life.

I vividly remember my sixth birthday. My whole family was there. I got the cake I wanted. The barbie doll house I wanted. It was the first time my family let me have friends over for it. The whole theme was Cinderella. It was pretty special. I can just go back and think of that and be happy. It was the best day of my life.

What’s your favorite travel experience?

My family and I took a road trip to Florida. We drove 14 hours. Me and my cousins wanted to go to Disney World and a few other places. We went to the beach in Destin. It was beautiful. That was definitely the most fun trip I remember.

If you could drop in on any period of history, when and where would it be?

It would definitely be the ‘50s. Anywhere that has a diner and cute clothing. I just think it’d be a really cool time period. I actually wore a poodle skirt three years in a row for Halloween. I could imagine myself at a diner drinking a smoothie.

What’s the most memorable scent in your life? Sound?

The perfume my grandmother wore. It was Coco Chanel. Every time someone sprays it or puts it on, it reminds me of her. It comes in a pink bottle. We’d give it to her for Christmas. She would yell at me when I’d go into her room and put it on myself and dolls. The most memorable sound would be her yelling at me for spraying it.

What’s the most influential book you ever read? Film or TV show watched?

The Great Gatsby. I was forced to read it in high school. I absolutely loved it. I fell in love with the story. It inspired me to work hard but always be mindful of people I trust along the way.

I have so many favorites—especially horror films. Growing up my uncle would watch the classic horror films and he let me watch them with him. He knew if my mom found out she would be livid. He taught me to not be afraid. I’m definitely grateful for that. I love IT or anything from Stephen King.

What’s something about you that few people know or understand? 

I would say my relationship with my dad. Growing up my dad wasn’t really present at times but, now, we’re in a pretty good spot. If you just looked at our relationship now, you wouldn’t have thought that.

Can you remember a time you decided the kind of person you were going to be?

I picked up writing as an early age but in 6th grade our teacher had us create vision boards. Mine was big and pink and I wanted to be an author or film director. The fact that I am an author now is pretty cool.

After this pandemic situation passes, what’s a positive result that you imagine could emerge?

I would hope people won’t take their daily routine for granted. Appreciate the little things in life.



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