Rich Conversations: 035. Evan Salone

Evan Salone joins Rich to talk about his experience staying home in Chicago. The two discuss the restaurant industry and working with people to achieve larger goals. Evan shares life lessons and brings a chill vibe and humor to the show. How are you doing during the coronavirus situation? I’m doing okay. Basically been chillin.…

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PRIMARY PONDERINGS and Using Art to Reflect on Life

The meaning behind my new art book, PRIMARY PONDERINGS. Finding new life after a near-death experience using art. By exploring curiosity and taking small, meaningful steps each day, a rich life awaits.   What a special day today! We can use some special days these days. My third book, PRIMARY PONDERINGS, was released. It’s available…

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Coronavirus, Living Homeless, Darkness, and the Future

Rich shares thoughts on Covid-19, living homeless in Chicago, the obstacle of Darkness, Generational Psychology, and the future of the United States. It’s a heavy time. It’s a stressful time. It’s an uncertain time. There’s tremendous suffering and death. People confront the virus every day and help save lives. Essential workers continue to keep our…

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Rich Conversations: 031. Julissa Alvarez

Julissa Alvarez talks about how she’s spending her quarantine in Chicago. She discusses some of her new motivations lately and reflects on memorable experiences in her life. How are you doing during the coronavirus situation? I’m doing okay. Just trying to get by the best way possible. Just trying to take it day by day.…

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Rich Conversations: 030. Jason Knoespel

Jason Knoespel discusses his experience in Chicago during the Coronavirus pandemic. He shares his personal reflections on Rich’s questions about life. How are you doing during the coronavirus situation? All things considered, I can’t complain too much. I’m in a better position than most. Compared to what a lot of other people about there are…

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