The Beatles and Their Impact on My Life Philosophy

A summary of The Beatles career and their impact on culture. The personal lessons I’ve gained from listening to the group and studying the history of the phenomenon and sixties decade. After doing a deep dive the last six weeks and reading “Revolution in the Head: The Beatles’ Records and the Sixties” by Ian MacDonald,…

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Rich Conversations: 022. Justina Nyguyen

Show notes from episode 022 of Rich Conversations with Justina Nguyen. Answers are cut down to fit into writing format. How long have you lived in Chicago? I moved here in the summer 2008, so it’s coming up on twelve years. I moved here after college—University of Texas-Austin. What’s your neighborhood like? I’m in Wicker…

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Wiki Rabbit Hole: LaCroix to Bluetooth

Turn a borderline-addictive habit into an opportunity to learn more about the world. Like previous Wiki rabbit holes, I stared blankly at my screen waiting for inspiration. Just to the right of my computer, a Passionfruit LaCroix sat half-full. Aha! And so we begin!   A quick refresher on the concept:   I often used…

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