Rich Conversations: 038. Cynthia Teschner

Cynthia Teschner discusses her experience living in several southside Chicago neighborhoods and her connection as a Native American with the Latinx American communities. (22:20) She shares the importance of her Lakota and Ojibwe roots and her role to continue the legacy into the future. How are you doing during the coronavirus situation? Honestly, I’ve been…

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Rich Conversations: 015. Katrina Certeza

Show notes from episode 015 of Rich Conversations with Katrina Certeza. Answers are cut down to fit into writing format. How long have you lived in Chicago? My family moved to the U.S. when I was fifteen and that was 2003. Then I went to UIC in 2013, so it’s been about five years. It…

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Rich Conversations: 008. Kevin Mueller

Show notes from episode 008 of Rich Conversations with Kevin Mueller. Answers are cut down to fit into writing format. How long have you lived in Chicago? Five years. Almost exactly. So I just fit into your five year requirement. How would you describe your neighborhood? Funny you should ask. My girlfriend and I just…

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